Healing Waters Outreach Ministry
Healing Waters Outreach Ministry

Welcome To
Healing Waters Outreach Ministry
Welcome To
Healing Waters Outreach Ministry
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is indeed a honor to have you visit our website. We hope and trust that you not only see another church website, but that you see God, as He pours out His love to men and women from all walks of life.
Vision and Mission Statement
HWOM is a ministry that has been ordained by God to reach out and restore the lost, hurt, and rejected, back to the body of Christ. It is our duty, according to Matthew 5:14, to be the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. And for this, we will go beyond the call of duty to minister to the needs of the people in every way possible, as the Holy Spirit leads us. Our goal is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard.
In these last days, God is calling His people back to their rightful place, whether it be your health, finances, marriage, your home, or just life itself. God is gathering up His people because no one knows the day or the hour when He shall return.
HWOM is striving with the help of God, to be counted in that number and to hear the Father say, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." We pray that you will be blessed and receive all that God has for you.
In His Service,
Apostle Dr. Jesse and Apostle Dr. Dana Roberson
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Liberty"